Electronic pellet burner controller - NPBC-V3M
General information for operating with the controller
When the controller’s screen is in base position, by pressing the
(+) or
you enter in a mode for
changing the temperature. Confirm the settings by pressing the
button or automatically by
pressing no buttons for 6 seconds.
If there is a water heater installation , controlled by this controller, to assure the normal heat
exchange process to the water in the water heater, the set temperature here must be at least 5 degrees
higher than the temperature in the menu
DHW Setup
, line
Set Temp
While on main screen, by pressing the
button the additional information in the lower left side
set temperature
current date
flame sensor indication
temperature in the water heater
temperature of the exhaust gases
error messages, if any. Error messages can be:
BB Alarm -
an alarm from the back burning thermistor
Sensor E1
- the temperature sensor in the boiler is disconnected or missing
Sensor E2
- the temperature sensor in the boiler is short
- the temperature in the boiler is < 0ºC (the water is frozen)
- ignition fail
Tbb E1
the back burning temperature sensor is disconnected or missing
Tbb E2
the back burning temperature sensor is short
Tbb Alarm -
the back burning temperature sensor alarm
the water heater's temperature sensor is disconnected or missing
the water heater's temperature sensor is short
- the high temperature sensor pt100 is disconnected or missing
- the high temperature sensor pt100 is short
- the temperature of the exhaust gases gets too high and the boiler
needs to be cleaned up
TE Alarm
- the temperature of the exhaust gases is extremely high; the burner
turns off and the boiler needs to be cleaned up before turning the burner on again
User Manual / version 2.6
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