Electronic pellet burner controller - NPBC-V6T-2
The information screen can be changed with the navigation buttons and by gestures when sliding
the finger on the screen in the desired direction. When switching through the main informational
screens the surface should be pressed and slided horizontally or vertically more than half the
screen. The sliding direction is as follows: the information screens are to the right side of the main
screen, so to switch from the main screen to the first information screen, the sliding must be from
right to left. The order of the screens is: graphs "Pellets consumption", text informational screens,
"Diagnostics". Returning back to the main screen is done with a gesture from left to right. When
the current screen is a graph of the pellets consumption, with a gesture from bottom to top goes to
the graph from the previous day and back, with a gesture from top to bottom - to the next day. The
same is and when displaying text information screens, the "Information", "Wi-Fi connection" and
"Version" screens are scrolled sequentially in a cycle. After the “Version'' screen, again follows
"Information", etc. When displaying "Diagnostics" in the same way, with gestures up and down,
the pages are changed if there is more than one page. When using gestures to change the screens,
the touch of the virtual button area should be avoided to prevent accidental activation of any of
User Manual / ver. 1.2
page 17 of 41
Area available for
operating by
Direction to slide on finger
to Main screen
on the right or
text Information on the left