asseMbly InsTRUcTIons
befoRe yoU asseMble
here are a few basic assembly tips that can make
assembly of your nautilus
Commercial TreadClimber
exercise machine quick and easy.
1. you can make the assembly process go faster by
gathering the pieces you need for each step prior to
starting the step.
2. as a general rule, and for all bolts and locknuts on your
exercise machine, turning
toward the right will tighten, turning towards the left will
loosen. an easy way to remember this is by remembering
the expression, “Lefty loosey, righty tighty.”
3. gather all of the tools needed for assembly before
beginning. The tools are listed in the hardware and
Tools list of this manual. you may find the use of a utility
knife or scissors beneficial during the unpacking and
assembly process.
To ReDUce THe RIsk of InjURy To PeRsons ReaD anD
folloW all safeTy WaRnInGs anD InsTRUcTIons In THIs
TWo PeoPle aRe ReQUIReD To UnloaD, UnPack, asseMble
anD MoVe THe TReaDclIMbeR
Tc916 exeRcIse MacHIne InTo
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