Oxidation of accumulated soot (carbon-based particulates) in the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). The soot is
reduced to ash and stored in the PDF.
ServiceMaxx™ software
Diagnostics software for engine components and systems.
Signal ground
The common ground wire to the ECM for the sensors.
A plan or set of operating instructions that the microprocessor follows for a desired goal. Strategy is the
computer program itself, including all equations and decision making logic. Strategy is always stored in
ROM and cannot be changed during calibration.
The movement of the piston from Top Dead Center (TDC) to Bottom Dead Center (BDC).
Suspect Parameter Number
A 19-bit number used to identify the item for which diagnostics are being reported. The SPN is used for
multiple purposes, some that are specific to diagnostics are as follows;
Identify the least repairable subsystem that has failed.
Identify subsystems or assemblies that may not have hard failures but may be exhibiting abnormal
operating performance.
Identify a particular event or condition that will be reported.
Report a component and non-standard failure mode.
Tachometer output signal
Engine speed signal for remote tachometers.
A semiconductor device. A sensing element that changes resistance as the temperature changes.
Thermistor Sensor
Changes electrical resistance with changes in temperature. Resistance in the thermistor decreases as
temperature increases, and increases as temperature decreases. Thermistors work with a resistor that
limits current to Form a voltage signal matched with a temperature value.
Thrust load
A thrust load pushes or reacts through a bearing in a direction parallel to the shaft.
Top Dead Center (TDC)
The uppermost position of the piston during the stroke.
A force having a twisting or turning effect. For a single force, the cross product of a vector from some
reference point to the point of application of the force within the force itself. Also known as moment of force
or rotation moment. Torque is a measure of the ability of an engine to do work.