The NC-015103C has 3 versions. The following information will help you de-
termine what model you use.
Version 1
The front cover plate has the words PAR and SEL
It has preset settings from the factory.
It can be calibrated only.
Version 2
The front cover plate has no words. It is blank.
The switch settings are 1,3,6 ON and all other
switches are OFF see drawing 1 page 2
Version 3
The front cover plate has no words. It is blank. Identical to version 2
The switch settings are 1,3 ON; all other switches are OFF. See drawing 2 page 3
You cannot tell Ver 2 and Ver 3 apart from the outside. Only re-
moving the front cover plate and examining the relay inside will
tell you which version you have. Ver 2 relay is thicker than Ver 3.
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NCI Spinner Speed Monitor NC-015103C
Version 2 is approximately 1 5/8” thick
Version 3 is approximately 1” thick