ToDo List
This feature allows you to set up to 100 ToDo tasks. You can choose to display ToDo public, private, or all tasks. Each list may be
filtered to list all tasks, completed tasks, or incomplete tasks.
The default sort for the task lists is by due date. Tasks are listed first by due date and then by priority: high, normal, and low.
Each task is identified by a description (of up to 256 characters) with a start date and due date, a task category (business, personal, or
other), and a priority (high, normal, or low). Your security code must be entered to list private tasks or all tasks.
When the maximum number of tasks have been entered in ToDo, the “ToDo list full”screen displays. A task or tasks have to be deleted
before a new task is added.
Viewing ToDo Tasks and Task Details
To access and view the ToDo tasks:
, 8,
to display the ToDo list menu. The number of tasks in each list displays to the right of the list
(Up) or
(Down) navigation key to highlight the list type.
Highlight Public and press
(Select) to display the Public tasks. If Private or All were selected, the ToDo list security code
entry screen displays. Input your security code and press
Softkey 1
(OK) to display Private tasks or All tasks. The security code
entry screen also displays for the Public task list if the PIM lock is set On (refer to Security settings and Locks on page 46).
To access and view task details:
(Up) or
(Down) navigation key to highlight a task and press
(Select) to display the ToDo Details screen.
(Left) navigation key to go to the previous task and
(Right) navigation key to go to the next task.