3-6 Introducing Windows CE
Pocket Applications
While Windows CE applications do not have all the fea-
tures you may expect to see in applications on other Win-
dows systems, these applications provide many powerful
features adapted for the mobile environment.
Your MobilePro, with its larger keyboard, highly visible
display, and longer battery life, allows you to obtain full
advantage of the CE-based applications. Write complete,
well-formatted reports, take detailed notes, and work on
spreadsheet data as you travel.
Microsoft provides a complete suite of applications ready
for you to use. These applications are available as a desk-
top icon or accessible through Start, Programs in the
Accessories, Communication, or Games folders.
Calendar — Allows you to track your appointments
and create meeting requests.
Contacts — Lets you store important information
about your friends and colleagues.
Inbox — Allows you to send and receive email.
Tasks — Gives you a place to create a portable "to do"
Microsoft Pocket Access — Provides a database pro-
gram for the mobile professional allowing you to up-
date and query data while you are on the road.
Microsoft Pocket Excel — Provides spreadsheet and
data base functions for budgeting and other data tasks.
Microsoft InkWriter
— Lets you create handwritten
or typed notes and drawings.
Microsoft Pocket PowerPoint — Provides an easy,
portable solution for desktop presentations.