2. Description on System Utility
Express5800/R120h-2M (2nd-Gen) User’s Guide
Chapter 3 Setup
How to Restore RBSU
Here we describe how to restore RBSU file via administrator PC.
1. Trun OFF the server or start the OS.
2. Start RESTful Interface Tool.
3. Execute login command to log in iLO of the controlled server.
Initial user name and initial password, which are required to log in, is written on a slide tag attached to
controlled server.
4. Execute types command and confirm the parameter on whose lead “Bios” is displayed.
5. Select BIOS in select command.
As the function of select command, specify the parameter you confirmed in step 4.
6. Execute load command to restore RBSU you backed up.
As the argument of select command, specify the parameter you confirmed in step 4
The restore completes in several minutes.
7. When the power of device is OFF, make it ON. Or, in case OS is running, reboot.
Command execution example:
iLOrest > login 192.168.xxx.xxx –u Administrator –p <password>
iLOrest > select Bios.v1_0_0
iLOrest > load –f <RBSU Setting File Name>.json
The restore is completed when the following message is displayed.
One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset.
Since the changes of RBSU are applied during POST, please wait until
POST is completed. Then the device restarts automatically.