Monitoring the ft Server
ESMPRO provides several unique maintenance functions for the Express5800/ft
Server. These include switching system modules Off and On and updating
firmware in the Express5800/ft Server. Many maintenance functions may be
executed in the online state in which the system continues normal operation.
They may be executed at the managed ft server or from the ESMPRO
management console. The table below lists the Express5800/ft Server major
management and maintenance tasks that can be executed using ESMPRO.
Express5800/ft Server
management task
ESMPRO function or tool
(on managed Express5800/ft
ESMPRO function or tool
(on management console)
Monitoring of major
component states
ESMPRO Manager
data viewer
Start/stop of major
components and F/W
Express5800/ft server utility
ESMPRO Manager
data viewer
BMC F/W update
BMC F/W update utility
Confirmation of alert or
fault event information
ESMPRO Manager
Alert Viewer
Confirmation of H/W error
ESMPRO Manager
If a major component fails, the ESMPRO fault report function notifies the
system administrator of the occurrence of the fault. In addition, the data viewer
of ESMPRO Server Manager monitors the system status and identifies the faulty