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● About status of Agentless Management Service (AMS) on iLO Web interface.
When you recived the corrupted SNMP alert about physical drive status changed,confirm the location information of the
same event at “Information” - “Integarated Management log” of iLO5 Web interface.
When status of Agentless Management Service (AMS) is “Unknown” or “Not available” (*) on iLO Web interface, please
reset iLO.
After about 10 minutes, please restart Agentless Management Service (AMS) by following procedures.
* Verifying AMS status
Please confirm the status from iLO Web interface: [System Information] - [Summary] – [Subsystems and Devices] -
"Agentless Management Service".
If the status of Agentless Management Service (AMS) is “Unknown” or “Not available”, iLO can’t collect some part of
information of storage, network and iLO can’t display those information correctly.
< Restarting AMS >
Navigate to the Windows Services page and restart AMS.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x and 8.x
Enter the following command:
# systemctl restart smad
# systemctl restart amsd
Enter the following command:
# /etc/init.d/amsd.sh restart
# /etc/init.d/ams.sh restart
* Command depends on the version of AMS you are using
Enter the following command:
# /etc/init.d/amsd restart