User’s Manual U11595EJ5V0UM
1.7.2 When performing hardware debugging with target system
Caution Before turning on the power of the target system, make sure that the power of the IE-703002-MC
is turned on.
If the target system is turned on while the IE-703002-MC is off, the target system or the IE-703002-
MC may be damaged.
Connect interface board to PC
3.1 Connection to Personal Computer
Before connecting, make sure that the power of the PC is off.
Set clock operation mode of IE-703002-MC
2.2 Clock Setting
The IE-703002-MC is provided with a 6.667 MHz crystal oscillator at factory shipping.
The clock setting differs depending on the option board used.
For details, refer to the user’s manual of the option board used.
Set illegal access detection ROM
2.3 Setting of Illegal Access Detection ROM
Switch the illegal access detection ROM.
(For details, refer to the user’s manual of the option board used.)
Set jumpers to adapt to voltage range of CPU
and target system
Set jumpers to adapt to voltage range of CPU and target system
(For details, refer to the user’s manual of the option board used.)
Connect cables
3.3 Cable Connections
Connect power source adapter and interface cable.
Connect IE-703002-MC to target system
3.2 Connection to Target System
Power up IE-703002-MC, then PC, then target
3.4 System Power-on and Power-off
2.4 Operating Voltage Setting