Getting Started 1-11
Installing Windows CE Services
You must install Windows CE Services on your desktop or
notebook computer to enable synchronization with your
MobilePro. The Microsoft Windows CE CD that ships
with your MobilePro contains Windows CE Services soft-
ware. Windows CE Services is designed for
synchronization with Microsoft Office components. The
following procedure assumes Microsoft Outlook 97 as the
desktop or notebook synchronization component.
To install Windows CE Services for synchronization with
Microsoft Outlook, follow these steps.
The sequence of steps in the following
sections may vary depending upon the Microsoft Of-
fice components installed on your desktop or note-
book computer.
Insert the Windows CE CD in the CD-ROM reader of
your desktop computer.
If auto insert is enabled on your desktop, the initial
screen appears and displays choices for installation.
If auto insert is not enabled, go to Start, Run, browse
for the CD-ROM drive, and run the setup.exe file.
Click the icon next to choice 3, Install Microsoft
Windows CE Services. The setup wizard begins.
Click Next, when prompted, to display the license
agreement window.
Read the license agreement and click Yes to accept the
agreement. The setup window prompts for your name
and company.
Enter your name and company and click Next to
display the Installation Selection window.