The process of returning a device to zero or to an initial or arbitrarily selected condition.
The degree of screen image clarity. Video display resolution is determined by the number of
pixels on the screen. Resolution is usually specified in pixels by scan lines, for example, 640
by 480. See pixels.
Standard interface for serial devices.
serial interface
An interface that communicates information one bit at a time.
serial printer
A printer with a serial interface.
To copy the system and video BIOS from chip to RAM for enhanced system performance.
Programs that run on a computer, such as operating systems, word processors, and
synchronous communication
Method of data transmission where transmission is regulated by a clock.
system board
The main printed circuit board inside the system unit into which other boards and major
chip components, such as the system microprocessor, are connected.
system unit
The system component that contains the computer parts, drives, power supply, and option