3-4 Option Installation
From the rear of the system, grasp the sides and slide the cover about an inch
away from the front panel (see Figure Section 3-2).
The cover fits tightly. Press the front
edge of the cover to release it from the front
panel. Also press against the rear panel to slide
the cover one inch away from the front panel.
Figure Section 3-2 Releasing the Cover
Lift the cover up and away from the system unit.
Reinstall the cover by reversing steps 1 through 5, above.
Be sure that the cover tabs on the sides of the cover align inside the frame of the
unit when positioning the cover over the chassis.
The computer supports ISA Plug and Play expansion boards. Plug and Play expansion
boards allow installing a board in an expansion slot without changing the hardware
settings. There are no system resource conflicts to resolve. Plug and Play automatically
configures the board for the system.
Industry-standard 8- 16-bit, ISA and 32-bit PCI expansion boards are supported in the
system unit. ISA expansion boards can either be Plug and Play or non-Plug and Play
Expansion Slot Locations
The PowerMate system has four expansion slots (see Figure Section 3-4):
two ISA slots
one PCI slot
one shared PCI/ISA slot.