3-4 Troubleshooting and Repair
Here are some helpful questions to ask when troubleshooting the notebook:
Is there any external power source connected to the computer?
Is the battery fully charged?
Is the computer turned on and the Power LED activated?
Are the LCD display controls set to the minimum level?
Is the LCD display switched to the external monitor?
Are all cables and devices connected properly and securely?
Are all needed device drivers installed properly?
Have you checked the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files for errors?
Is the Suspend Mode activated on the LCD Status Bar? Press any key or press the
power switch to power on the system.
This section lists the messages that provide information to the user but require no action.
Table 3-2 BIOS Informational Messages
nnnK System Memory
The amount of system memory that tested
nnnK Cache SRAM
Cache SRAM Memory
nnnK Extended
The amount of extended memory that tested
Memory tests terminated by
The message indicate that a user pressed the
spacebar while memory tests were running and
stopped the memory tests.
Press the F1 key to continue
This message indicates that an error was found during
POST. Pressing the F1 key allows the system to
attempt to reboot.
Beginning memory test Press
the SPACEBAR to terminate the
memory test
A user can stop the memory tests by pressing the