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Robson Factory Settings
Robson Factory Settings
Robson Factory Settings
Robson Factory Settings
(For specific models only)
(For specific models only)
(For specific models only)
(For specific models only)
Your system is equipped with Intel® Turbo Memory technology which supports both Windows ReadyBoost
and Windows ReadyDrive
Please take note that these features need to be enabled to function.
Please refer to the following steps:
1. Click
, go to
All Programs.
2. Click on
Intel® Turbo Memory
, followed
Intel® Turbo Memory Console.
If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or click
3. Note the
Intel® Turbo Memory Console
window has both Windows ReadyBoost
and Windows
enabled. If not, please check the enable box accordingly. You will be prompted to restart
4. After your computer restarts, Intel® Turbo Memory will be functional.
You will enhance your system performance and ensure certain applications to perform properly e.g.
MDVDCreator by enabling Intel® Turbo Memory.
After performing system recovery (using F8 or MDVD), you might notice additional drive labelled as
“NVCACHE”. Please use the Intel Turbo Memory Console to disable Windows ReadyBoost
. After reboot,
please enable back Windows ReadyBoost
. This will refresh the Intel® Turbo Memory.