Setting/Setting Confirmation
External Device
When using the PATLITE function with this product, refer to this chapter as reference.
PATLITE function setting
When using the PATLITE function with this product, refer to this section as reference.
PATLITE is optional (sold separately by other vendors). It must be prepared by the customer.
Refer to Section 3.3.15 for the tested PATLITE products.
1. Open the [External Device] screen from [TOP]-[Network Topology].
2. Select the device type and select Rotary Beacon Light.
3. Check "Enable Light" in [Rotary Beacon Light Configuration].
4. Enter the information for the PATLITE in [Connection Configuration].
5. Check the threat detection conditions to light up on "Light Condition".
6. Click the "Apply" button.
7. Click the "Save" button to save the setting.