B. Equipment is to be used in conjunction with atomic energy, railroad, air
navigation, automobiles or related vehicles, medical equipment or safety
C. In applications that adversely effect humans, animals,or property requiring
special safety analysis.
Standard Filters, Regulators, Lubricators and Filter- Regulator Combination units
should be used in accordance with the specifications mentioned in the
specification sheets.While installing and using this equipment, please also follow
the respective specification & instruction manual available for each product.
It indicates that operator error can lead to damage and malfunctioning of the
pneumatic equipment and can lead to serious personal injury or loss of life.
1. Air Filter and Lubricator
Standard Filters and Lubricators incorporate polycarbonate bowls and / or
observation windows.Do not use filters & lubricators in an environment that will
expose the above components to synthetic fluids, organic solvents,corrosive
chemicals, cutting lubricants, thread sealant or similar materials.Make sure that
the condensate in periodically drained when using manual drain valves on
2. Regulator
a. Safety devices shall be placed to prevent secondary (output) pressure from
rising past the set pressure.
This will ensure that damage to the components on the secondary side will be
minimized in the event of a malfunction.
b. In a standard regulator, when the supply pressure is removed or disconnected,
either of the following may happen:
1. The residual pressure will remain on the secondary side of the regulator.
2. The pressure on the secondary side of the regulator will exhaust.
The designer should add components to the circuit to compensate for any of
the above conditions.
c. Regulator operation may be affected when used in Balanced or Secondary
sealed circuits.Please consult the manufacturer regarding these applications.