Appendix E Intel
Matrix Storage Manager
E.2 Features and Benefits
Supports RAID levels 0, 1, 5 and 10
Supports connectivity to two or more disk drives
Supported Operating Systems include: Windows XP, Windows Server
2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista and Windows 7
E.3 Accessing the Intel
Matrix Storage Manager
To access the Intel
Matrix Storage Manager, please follow the steps below.
Step 1:
Connect SATA drives to the system
. Connect two or more SATA
drives to the system. Make sure the drives have the same capacity,
are the same type and have the same speed.
Make sure the SATA drives are EXACTLY the same when they are
configured in a RAID configuration. If they are not the same size,
disk drive capacity is sacrificed and overall performance affected.
Step 2: Enable SATA drives in BIOS
. Start the computer and access the
BIOS setup program. Enable RAID support for all SATA devices.
Refer to the applicable BIOS configuration section in this user
Step 3:
Configure “Option ROM Messages”
BIOS option to
Force BIOS
This is to allow the “Press <CTRL+I> to enter Configuration
Utility……” message to appear during the POST. Refer to the
applicable BIOS configuration section in this user manual.
Step 4: Save and Exit BIOS
. After the SATA support option is enabled,
save and exit the BIOS.
Step 5: Reboot the system
. Reboot the system after saving and exiting the
Step 6: Press Ctrl+I. during the system boot process
. Press Ctrl+I when
prompted to enter the RAID configuration software.