Redirection After BIOS POST
The optional settings are: [Always Enable]; [BootLoader].
Serial Port for Out-of-Band Management/
Windows Emergency Management Services (EMS)
Console Redirection
The optional settings: [Disabled]; [Enabled].
When set as [Enabled], user can make further settings in
‘Console Redirection
Console Redirection Settings
The settings specify how the host computer and the remote computer (which the
user is using) will exchange data. Both computers should have the same or
compatible settings.
Press [Enter] to make settings for the following sub-items.
Out-of-Band Mgmt Port
The default setting is: [COM1].
Terminal Type
The optional settings are: [VT100]; [VT100+]; [VT-UTF8]; [ANSI].
Bits per second
The optional settings are: [9600]; [19200]; [57600]; [115200].
Flow Control
The optional settings are: [None]; [Hardware RTS/CTS]; [Software Xon/Xoff].
Data Bits
The default setting is: [8].
*This item may or may not show up, depending on different configuration.
The default setting is: [None].
*This item may or may not show up, depending on different configuration.
Stop Bits
The default setting is: [1].
*This item may or may not show up, depending on different configuration.