Initial angle: default is 0°, if any special need, you can modify this angle to change the component’s placement
direction. Special attention for some chips with direction requirement, such as LED red/green, diode, IC etc.
Footprint/ Value: Component footprint/ value. Footprint refers to the footprint name like 0603, 0805, 1206 etc., Value
refers to component data like 10K, 75Ω etc.
Pick delay: For special components like large IC and large capacitor, it’s better to set some long time on the pick delay
to make sure nozzle can pick up them stably.
Place delay: For special components like large IC and large capacitor, it’s better to set some long time on the place
delay to make sure nozzle can still suck the component stably during the movement to place on the board.
Move speed: It is used to control the head movement speed, generally just keep default will be ok. It is need be
changed slower while doing some pick test.
Down speed: It is used to control the nozzle head Z-axis downward speed (Special notice: for lead pitch distance<
0.5mm, please set this to a lower speed).
Vision: Against component to choose applicable vision method. Such as:
For resistor/ capacitor--- please select Flying calibration
For component which do not require high precision --- you can also select No action
For IC --- you can select IC correction or big IC correction according to different IC sizes. The two methods difference
is: IC correction is one shot recognition; big IC correction is separately taking photos for IC’s four corners. So, if the IC size
more than 35mm, please directly select big IC correction method.
Accuracy: Generally normal resistor/ capacitor is default as high speed mode, do not need to modify it; For IC, please
select high accuracy mode.
Brightness: it refers to the brightness of component recognition (after be picked up) in assembly procedure.
NeoDen Technology Co.,Ltd.