Questions? Call Neogen at 800/234-5333 or 517/372-9200
Setting the Pass, Marginal and Fail thresholds
The AccuPoint 2 instrument comes programmed with default threshold settings of
0 – 149 as Pass, 150–299 as Marginal and 300 and higher as Fail. These settings can
be changed through the Data Manager program and downloaded to the instrument.
Move the cursor to the bottom of the display, the contrast icon will appear.
Moving the toggle button to the right will increase the contrast while moving
it to the left will decrease the contrast.
The instrument keeps track of the number of tests that have been taken. The number
of records currently stored in the instrument’s memory is displayed at the User ID
screen when the instrument is powered on. The number of tests that have been taken
since the instrument was last powered on is displayed in the bottom right corner of
the display.
Test results can be reviewed by toggling to the Record Count field. Press the toggle
button and enter the field. Moving the toggle button up or down within the field causes
the results to be displayed for the tests that have been taken since the instrument was
last powered on.
AP2 Users Guide1a.indd 7
10/20/2009 3:47:39 PM