Anticipation call for the envelope is used. That means that a (folded) set is leaving the
Feeder already before the envelope is ready on the insert position. In mode 1 the
envelope is on the insert position already before the set leaves the Feeder.
It is advised to use Mode 1 with a paper thickness of 65 g/m
or less, a document length
of 12 inch (305 mm) or higher, and for situations where Mode 2 is not functioning
properly. In all other cases Mode 2 is advised.
If you select Mode 2, select if the reply envelope has a window or not.
Document Offset
When selecting from the “supervisor menu”
, the “document
offset” menu appears.
The vertical transport of documents fed by the
various feeders is arranged in such a way that the
documents are partially overlapping each other. This
overlapping scheme ensures that the documents are
properly aligned in the collator area.
In the “document offset” menu you can set the
extend to which the documents are not overlapping
each other, i.e. the document offset value. The default value is 50 mm (2.0 inch). The
document offset can be varied between 20 mm (0.8 inch) and 75 mm (3.0 inch).
BRE Offset
When selecting from the “supervisor menu”
, the “BRE offset”
menu appears.
If a document is longer than the set address fold but
shorter than the envelope height, this document
sometimes will be unnecessarily folded. Under
certain conditions this document can be prevented
from being folded. This can be implemented with the
menu “BRE offset” (BRE means Business Reply
For each of the jobs 1 through 25 and F&S (Fill & Start) an offset can be switched on or off
using the
In the case of offset “on” the last document that was added to the set will be shifted from
the rest of the set (offsetting). This document will be held back during a certain distance.
This means that the trailing edge of this upper document leaves the collator at last. This
document will not be folded. During the insertion into the envelope the documents of the
set will be realigned.
The conditions are:
The feeder that supplies this upper document (BRE) is set to one document per set
(no multi feeding).