The default job settings part of the Settings menu covers settings that improve the processing
of jobs:
• Flap closer offset: to improve the sealing of specific envelopes you can delay or
advance the moment of sealing. You enter the number of pulses. A minus value
means the sealing is advanced, a plus value means the sealing is delayed. You can
enter a number between -20 and 20.
• System output: mode 1 mode 2
Mode 1 focuses on the versatility of paper parameters (paper thickness; document
length), i.e. correct operation under even extreme paper conditions. Mode 2 is the
default mode, and focuses on high speed. Use Mode 1 with a paper thickness of 65
g/m2 or less, a document length of 12 inch (305 mm) or higher, and for situations
where Mode 2 is not functioning properly. In all other cases use Mode 2.
• Document offset (A in the figure): the extend to which documents are not overlapping
in the vertical transport. In the vertical transport of documents fed by the various
feeders, the documents are partially overlapping each other. This to make sure that
the documents are properly aligned in the collator area. The default value is 35
mm (1.4 inch). The document offset can be varied between 20 mm (0.8 inch) and 75
mm (3.0 inch).
| Page 75 | Oct-09-2019 10:11 | Settings menu