Evaporative Cooling Humidifier
Installation Instructions and User Manual
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Handling and Packaging
Always handle the SKV Evaporative Cooling Humidifier with care and keep within its original packaging for as
long as possible, prior to installation. It must be stored under cover and protected from any possible damage, from
dust, rain or frost.
Correct Lifting Method
Lifting or handling must only be carried out by trained and qualified personnel. Ensure that the lifting operation
has been properly planned, risk assessed and that all equipment has been checked by a skilled and competent
Health & Safety representative and that effective control measures are put in place.
. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that operators are trained in handling heavy
goods and to enforce the relevant lifting regulations.
. Any personnel handling or lifting the SKV Evaporative Cooling Humidifier must follow
the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 and Approved Code of Practice
L113. The regulation imposes duties on employers and self employed persons and persons who
have control, to any extent of lifting equipment.
Refer to dimensions and weights as indicated on the SKV nameplate as well as the submittal drawing for system
dry weights.
Upon receipt, and once packaging material has been removed, an inspection must be carried out to ensure that
no damage occurred during transit. Any damage should be reported with no delay to your Neptronic
Upon customer request and following transit maximum size for large dimension SKV Evaporative Cooling
Humidifier, evaporation media panels and evaporation module frames are delivered on a separate pallet. In this
case, the evaporation module will have to be assembled on site.
. Risk of malfunction, evaporation media should not be cut or crushed during handling and