Flight Skills
Please note, this manual is intended as a guide to the features of your
It is not intended to replace guidance and instruction from a qualified
5.1 . Normal Flight
5.1 .1 . Pre-Flight Check List
A pre-flight inspection is mandatory for flight safety . You must ensure that
your aircraft is neither damaged or snagged. Do not forget, a pre-flight also
involves inspection of your harness, reserve, other associated gear, wind
characteristics, weather, surroundings and your personal state of mind.
Particular attention should be paid on each pre- flight check to the tightness of
the quick links that connect the lines to the risers, and risers to the harness
Laying the wing out in a gentle arc or horseshoe shape is the most suitable
starting position, enabling an even inflation, starting from the center.
It is essential to ensure that the lines are cleared and tidy without risk of
snagging plants, rocks or other debris; are free of local knots; and are not
draped over the wing or harness. Failure to ensure cleared lines or produce
an even inflation during the take-off phase can have disasterous
5.1 .2. Take-Off
The forward, or alpine launch involves carefully setting up directly into the
wind. Prepare for launch by holding the front (or A) risers and brake
handles, then stepping forward to gently feel tension in the A-lines and chest
strap. The action of the hands on the front risers will be a simple guide of
applying a light pull. Excessive effot would result in partially closure of cells
For moderate winds (greater 20 km / h), it is advisable to use the reverse
launch method. A deliberate pull on the front (or A) risers (red color) causes
the wing to easily rise above the pilot. The canopy inflates from the center
equally and evenly.
does not tend to overshoot and quickly stabilizes
above his head, but it may be necessary to move towards the wing as it rises
overhead. Once overhead, take a moment to perform a final check of the
wing and the lines before the actual launch. A slight run forward with
moderate pressure on the brakes facilitates takeoff.
Depending on inflight weight & conditions trim should be helpfull :
Low weight & light wind :
+2cm Low weight & strong wind : neutral
High load & light wind :
neutral High Load & strong wind :
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muusstt bbee aaddaapptteedd !!