NC-1000 -
installation manual
Loop the fibres on the splice tray. Loop each fibre bundle one full turn on the tray and take
each fibre bundle to its own splice holder from the right side. Cut away the extra lengths of
If you are using Nestor NC-48 splice tray, loop the fibres going to the two uppermost splice
holders one full turn around the tray and then to their splice holders from the right. The
fibres going to two lowest splice holders loop first to other side of the tray from the halfway
of the tray, then one full turn around the tray and finally to their own splice holders from the
left, see the picture below.
In the following picture the fibres have been prepared for splicing by using an alternative
splice tray LT-48.
5.1.10 Splicing of fibres
Take the fibre bundles out from the splice holders and place them on both sides of the splice tray in
their order.
Splice the fibres of the outdoor cable to the fibres of the pigtail cables bundle by bundle with a fusion
Loop the spliced fibres on the splice tray and place the fibre protection sleeves to the holders according
to the fibre order. Take care in looping the fibres that you don’t leave the fibres under their minimum
bending radius (min. 40 mm).
When all the fibres have been spliced check still that the installation of all the fibres on splice tray has
been made properly. In the following pictures there are examples of the splice trays after all fibres have
been spliced.
Fasten the cover of the splice tray.
Mount the splice tray into its position in the splice tray holder.
5.1.11 Fastening and earthing of cables
Place the outdoor cables after splicing in the backside of the frame to their right positions and fasten
them to the fixing plates with nylon ties. The fastening and positioning should take into account the
possibility of adding new cables in the future.
Connect the metallic elements of the cables to the earthing bar of the frame.
5.1.12 Fastening of the fibre tubes
Guide and manage the fibre tubes leaving the splice trays from the hinge side of the inner frame to the
back of the frame.
Loop and bundle the fibre tubes and fasten the bundles to the fixing plates in the back of the frame.
As fastening the tubes note the movement of the inner frame. E.g do not fasten the tubes to the lowest
fixing plate because at this place the tubes shall have a possibility for slight movements.
If necessary the fibre tubes at the back side of the frame can be protected with e.g. a spiral type
protection tube.