UX2000 SBC XO SIP Trunk Lync Server 2010 Configuration Guide
The UX2000 provides various ways to troubleshoot call issues. The first is through visual analysis of
configured systems and active and certain archived alarms through the Monitor page. And the UX2000
can generate debug logs to be viewed locally, downloaded to a text editor or the debug logs can be sent
to a Syslog collector.
Visual Analysis
Clicking on the ‘Monitor’ tab will bring up a real time view of the current status of the configured SGs and
also a real time view of call status. Also, the current alarms will be shown in the ‘Alarm Window’ at the
bottom of the screen and the highest unacknowledged alarm color will show in the ‘Monitor’ tab.
Current SG Status and Call Activity
The top portion of the ‘Monitor’ display will show the current status of the SGs and their associated
channels. If a SG is down the SG will be colored Red as shown below for the XO SG:
Figure 49 XO SIP Trunk Down
There are many reasons a SG may be down. The far end equipment may be off line, there could be a
routing issue or there could be a configuration problem. The visual Monitor will provide a quick view on
where to start trouble shooting.