MAN-REF-CASW Customization
Add Routes (optional)
This step is only necessary if static GNA routes are to be defined, and have NOT been configured using
the System page “GNA-host Mapping” command. If static GNA routes are not defined, NESiGate will
use DNS services to resolve GNA to IP addressing.
Select the
link in the navigation menu. This will open the page that is titled:
NESiGate Router.
Using the device configuration data from a completed worksheet provided in “Appendix A: Configura-
tion Worksheet” on page 25, use the "Route Add Route" button to define the routes. Refer to page 18
for a description of this command.
Repeat this step as many times as necessary until all required routes are defined.
Define IP Interface
This step is only necessary if default IP parameters are to be modified. It is rarely needed.
Select the
IP Interface
link in the navigation menu. This will open the page that is titled:
IP Interface.
Use the "IP Interface Define Interface" button to define the IP interface parameters. Refer to page 24
for a description of this command.
Reboot NESiGate
After the configuration changes have been made, the NESiGate unit must be rebooted to make the
changes effective:
Vary the devices offline to the host operating system.
Browse to the “System Config” page of the NESiGate
In the “Misc Commands” menu, select “REBOOT with NG on”
Click the “DoIt” button
After NESiGate is back up vary the devices online to the host operating system.