| Working with the Intelligent Packet Processor (IPP) Module | SmartNA-X 1G/10G Modular
1G/10G User Guide 1.4
2015 Network Critical Solutions Limited
Configuring the IPP module
Configure the IPP module by creating a Transform and a set of Matches and Actions. Add the Matches and Actions to the
Transform and apply it to a port. Up to eight Transforms can be applied per port. Map the port to other ports in the system,
and commit your changes to the system to make them live.
The following flow diagram summarizes the steps for configuring the IPP module.
Figure 62: Flow diagram for configuring the IPP module
The following steps provide detailed instructions and example commands for configuring the IPP module.
Step 1: Create a Transform logical name
The first step when configuring the IPP module is to create a Transform logical name. Once a Transform has been created,
Matches and actions can be assigned to it and applied to a port. Multiple Transforms, each with different Matches and
actions, can be created, and each port can have up to eight Transforms (numbered 1-8) applied to it. Transforms have
global significance within the system and are not limited to any particular IPP module in the chassis. So if you have more
than one IPP module, the same Transform can be applied to ports on either.
The following example creates a Transform named "remove v2 header":