Use a soft cloth to wipe the unit aft er use to remove any parti cles
or moisture. Soft Tips and Sound Tubes are designed to be
reusable though it is suggested to replace every 3 months.
*Ask about our Tips & Tubes Club.
1. To remove Sound Tube, unscrew counterclockwise. To att ach
Sound Tube, screw on clockwise. Please ensure Sound Tube is
screwed on completely. (Fig J)
2. Aft er removing Soft Tips and/or Sound Tubes, simply clean
exterior with warm soapy water and a small cloth. Dry thoroughly
before reinserti ng in ear.(You must make sure there is no moisture
in the Sound Tube, as it will block sound)
3. Use the cleaning tool brush and wax pick at the bott om of its
handle to remove any accumulated wax or debris from around
the Soft Tip and Sound Tube. (Fig K)
4. To remove or switch Soft Tips, grasp the rigid “Elbow” on the
end of the Sound Tube and gently pull the Soft Tip off . Firmly push
on the Soft Tip of your choice. (Fig L)
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Fig J
Fig K
Fig L