3. Select the brightness level in the drop down list of” Brightness” as needed.
4. After completing the setting, move the cursor to the “Setup” button, press the “OK” button to confirm the setting and exit.
Alternatively, pre
ss the “ESC” key to cancel the setting and exit.
1. In the system Menu, enter “Systemset” – “sound” and set the parameter per your needs.
2. Select “ON “or “OFF “in the dropdown list of Keypad to turn on or turn off the keypad sound.
In the dropdown list of Barcode Engine, select the reminder mode for reading barcode successfully.
If check “All Mute”, close all the reminder voice for all event.
3. After completing the setting, move the cursor to the “Setup” button, press the “OK” button to confirm the setting and exit.
Alternatively, press the “ESC” key to cancel the setting and exit.
1. In the system Menu, enter “Systemset” – “Volume” and set the parameter per your needs.
2. Select “High”, “Middle “or “Low “in the dropdown list and set the volume for scan tone.