Output Mode
The MT65 provides three output modes: Simulate keystroke, Output via API and Fill in EditText directly.
Simulate keystroke:
Output scanned data to keyboard buffer to simulate keyboard input. Character interval (ms): A
character interval of 0-100 milliseconds may be placed between the transmission of each character of scanned data.
Output via API:
Application acquires scanned data by receiving system broadcasts.
Fill in EditText directly:
Output scanned data at the current cursor position in EditText.
Overwrite output:
Clear the text input box before sending the barcode currently scanned to make sure only most recently
scanned data is present in the text input box. This feature is available only when Simulate keystroke or Fill in EditText
directly is selected.
Output enter-event:
Send an Enter Key after each barcode scanned.
Scan Mode
The MT65 provides four scan modes: Level mode, Continuous mode, Pulse mode and Delay mode.
Level mode:
Press the scan trigger to start a decode session which continues until the trigger is released.
Continuous mode:
Press the scan trigger to continuously read barcodes. To suspend or resume scan operation, simply
press the scan trigger.
Scan interval (ms):
This parameter sets the timeout between decode sessions.
Pulse mode:
Press the scan trigger to start a decode session which continues until the decode session timeout expires.