- Installation instructions for supplementary outriggers -
Via Mediterraneo, 6 - 42022 - Boretto - Reggio Emilia - Italy
Tel. +39 - 0522-96 30 08 - Fax +39 - 0522-96 30 39
- 8 -
Pict. 9
Pict. 8
Opening for
The supplementary outriggers can be installed in the following ways:
On the chassis
by welding the stabilizer to the edge of
the counter-frame, or by cutting the
same and inserting the stabilizer in an
opening made in a middle point of the
counter-frame itself.
At this stage it will be necessary to fix
adequately the counter-frame and the
stabilizer to the vehicle chassis by side
plates and fixing screws.
(see Pict. 8)
Under the vehicle chassis
In this case, the stabilizer is to be fixed
to the chassis and the counter-frame
by means of brackets welded to the
stabilizer itself, with counter-plates to
be fixed by screws to the chassis or
the counter frame.
It is important that the stabilizer leans
against the chassis without clearance
and in vertical position. The chassis
must be reinforced by a suitable
counter-frame supporting the same
according to the indications of the
crane or the vehicle manufacturer.
(see Pict. 9)
Apart from the solution chosen, the
stabilizer installation must always fulfil
the following essential conditions:
Piping side