Hunan Next Generation Instrumental T&C Tech. Co., Ltd.
N3410 Series
Triple-channel Programmable DC Power Supply
8. Readback voltage
9. Readback current
10. Setting voltage
11. Setting current
12. Protect setting
Users can set over voltage and over current protection value of three channels
13. Channel switch
Users can press the corresponding button below
to switch among channel 1
to 3.
14. V/I Set
The cursor will switch between voltage setting and current setting by continuously
pressing the corresponding button under
V/I Set
15. Mode switch
There are fours options: normal, series, parallel and trace.
16. Config
Users can configure the system parameters.
17. More
There are extra four options: Timer, SEQ, Graph and About Us.
18. The readback and setting interface of three channels
The first channel is red. The second channel is yellow. The third channel is green.
19. The present mode, selected channel and cursor position
4.2 Output Interface Wiring
1. Choose a load wire with a suitable gauge.
2. Connect the positive polarity of load wire to the positive output interface, and the
negative polarity of load wire to the negative output interface. The wiring method is
shown in the figure below.