NI PXIe-5624R Calibration Procedure
© National Instruments
Self-Calibrating the NI 5624R
Allow a 20 minute warm-up time before you begin self-calibration.
The warm-up time begins after the PXI Express chassis is powered on and the
operating system completely loads.
The NI 5624R includes precise internal circuits and references used during self-calibration to
adjust for any errors caused by short-term fluctuations in the environment. It is important that
you perform a self-calibration function to validate the specifications listed in the next section.
You can perform the self-calibration through Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) or
programmatically using LabVIEW.
Self-Calibrating Using MAX
To initiate self-calibration in MAX, complete the following steps:
Disconnect or disable any AC inputs to the digitizer.
Launch MAX.
My System»Devices and Interfaces»PXI System
Select the device that you want to calibrate.
Initiate self-calibration using one of the following methods:
in the upper right corner of MAX.
Right-click the name of the device in the MAX configuration tree and select
from the drop-down menu.
Self-calibration takes approximately 1 minute to complete.
Self-Calibrating Using LabVIEW
To initiate self-calibration using LabVIEW, complete the following steps:
Disconnect or disable any AC inputs to the digitizer.
Use the Self-Calibrate VI located at
FPGA Interface»Software Designed Instruments»
IF Digitizer»Calibration
to initiate self-calibration.
Self calibration takes approximately 1 minute to complete.
As-Found and As-Left Limits
The as-found limits are the published specifications for the NI 5624R. NI uses these limits to
determine whether the NI 5624R meets the device specifications when it is received for
The as-left limits are equal to the published NI specifications for the NI 5624R, less guard bands
for the measurement uncertainty, temperature drift, and drift over time. NI uses these limits to
ensure that the NI 5624R meets the published specifications over its calibration interval.