terminal. Solder the other end of the wire to the cable shield. Use shorter
wire for better EMC performance.
For more information about ground connections, visit
and enter the
Info Code emcground.
Connecting One or More NI-9154 Chassis to the MXI-Express
Host System or a Target
Complete the following steps to connect one or more NI-9154 chassis to a MXI-
Express host system or a target.
1. Make sure the MXI-Express host system is set up and configured as described
in the MXI-Express (x1) Series User Manual.
2. If the MXI-Express host system is powered up, power it down.
3. If the NI-9154 is powered up, power it down.
4. Use a MXI-Express (x1) cable to connect the MXI-Express host system to the
Upstream port of the first NI-9154 in the chain.
5. Use a MXI-Express (x1) cable to connect the Downstream port of the first
NI-9154 to the Upstream port of the next NI-9154 in the chain.
The maximum number of NI-9154 chassis in a chain depends
on the system configuration. For example, a PXI system with an NI
PXI-8196 controller can support four chassis per chain. Different
types of systems may support more or fewer chassis per chain. For
more information about how different system configurations can
affect the maximum number of chassis in a chain, go to
and enter the Info Code 915xchain.
6. Power up all of the connected NI-9154 chassis.
7. Power up the MXI-Express host system.
Refer to the MXI-Express (x1) Series User Manual for
connectivity options and supported host devices.
NI-9154 Getting Started