Control conditions
HW running time
Number of compressor
Operating time compressor
Operating time additional
Time conditions for the compressor.
Minimum time from start to start can be adjusted in menu 5.3. The preset value for minimum
time from start to start is 20 minutes. The minimum time from start to stop to start is 5
minutes. If the compressor is required for hot water or heat and the time conditions for the
compressor are not fulfilled, the compressor does not start. If there is a compressor
requirement and it is blocked, the time to start is displayed in menu 5.5.
Quick starting the compressor.
To quicken start-up of the compressor, quick start can be activated in menu 9.3. Quick start
deactivates the time conditions for compressor start-up and sets the degree minutes for
starting the compressor. Activation of quick start removes the parameters of additional heat to
step 2 during the 2 first hours, then start-up of the heat pump. If PKM or HPAC is selected in
menu 9.2.16 and cooling has been activated, heating is blocked during the three hours
following cooling mode being deactivated. If quick start is activated, the three hour delay
between cooling and heating stops.
Resetting operating times
The operating time for the compressor, number of compressor starts, the operating time for
hot water charging and additional heat, is updated and saved in the relay card every minute.
When replacing the relay card, the operating time for the heat pump will not correspond. To
reset the following values, the S1 button on the CPU card can be pressed when one of the
following menus is displayed.
When the heat pump is started using the main switch, start-up of the compressor is blocked
for the first 5 minutes. If the hot water temperature is below the start value for hot water
charging, the heat pump starts hot water charging. Additional heat is limited to step 2 for the
first 2 hours. To quicken start-up of the compressor, quick start can be activated in menu 9.3.
Default setting saved values.
If the S1 button is pressed on the CPU card or Factory setting in menu 9.2.14 is selected to
ON, all saved values are set as default. After default setting, the plus button should be pressed
to display the language selection menu.
No menus under 9.2.13 are affected by the default settings.
FIGHTER 1120, 1130, 1220, 1230