MEL 1030, 0040, 1060, 1090, 2090, 2120
Installa on and Opera on Manual
1. User informa on on waste electrical and electronic equipment disposal
According to the rules of Nibe-Biawar Sp. z o.o., this product has been made of the best quality recyclable materials and
components. This symbol, placed on the equipment and/or the documenta on a ached to it, means that waste electrical or
electronic equipment must not be disposed of with other waste. The products should be returned to a par cular waste dispo-
sal centre, where they will be accepted free of charge and recycled.
Correct u lisa on of waste equipment helps to protect natural resources and prevents nega ve impact to human health and
the environment, which could increase due to incorrect waste disposal.
Informa on on waste equipment management points is available from local authori es, seller or distributor.
This equipment is not designed to be used by people (including children) or limited physical, sensory or psychical capability, or
by people inexperienced or unfamiliar with this equipment, unless they work under supervision or according to the instruc-
ons provided by the par es responsible for their safety. Make sure children do not play with the equipment.
Before installa on, read these instruc ons carefully.
2. Declara on of Conformity
We hereby declare that this product has been manufactured in compliance with:
- Low-Voltage Direc ve 2006/95/EC,
- Electromagne c Compa bility Direc ve 2004/108/EC.