rame the photograph. In autofocus (AF) mode, the camera shutter-release button can be used to check
focus, although only the shutter release-button on the remote control can be used to release the shutter. Note
- To ensure correct exposure in modes other than M, cover the viewfinder eyepiece with your hand or with the
supplied DK-5 eyepiece cap before pressing the shutter-release button. This will prevent light entering via the
viewfinder from interfering with the autoexposure operation.
6. Aim the transmitter on the ML-L3 at the infrared receiver on the camera and press the shutter-release button
on the ML-L3 (when using the remote outdoors, make sure that the subject is not backlit and that the line of
site between the transmitter and the infrared receiver is not blocked by the lens or other obstacles). The
maximum operational distance of the ML-L3 is 5m directly in front of the camera.
Custom Setting 2
AF-S (Single-servo AF)
AF-C (Continuous-servo AF)
Once camera has focused, self timer lamp will blink for 2s
before shutter is released. If unable to focus, camera will
return to standby without releasing shutter.
Self-timer lamp blinks for 2s before
shutter is released. Camera does not
Shutter is released immediately after camera focuses.
Self-timer lamp will flash when shooting is complete. If
unable to focus, camera will return to standby without
releasing shutter.
Camera releases shutter immediately
without focusing. Self-timer lamp will
flash when shooting is complete.
To return to single-frame or continuous shooting mode, turn the camera off or rotate the mode dial to another setting.
The shooting mode in effect before remote control mode was selected will also be restored if no operations are
performed for the time selected for Custom Setting 25. The default setting is one minute.