Driving Technique
Driving Technique
Turns-the turns on scooter are done as on surf/ski/snowboard. The handlebar
should be in parallel to the body. Befare turning look at the apporaching direction
and make sure turning is safe.
Braking--tilt your weight backwards so that the brake action will come though
the feets and not trough the handlebar and steering systerm. It is best to learn
how to adjust the center of gravity during stopping, otherwise there is a dual
concern: forward turning over ( "syopy" )and /or wear and breaking of the
handlebar and steering systerm.
Page 26
E-scooter Feature
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9.front light
11.pneumatic tyre ol 10inch
13.Ouick release
15.battery charge interface
17. rear tyre
19.high elficiency brushless hub motor
21.removable ol maintenance accessibility
Page 07
1 0.aluminium alloy wheel hub
12.wire harness
14.lock/release button
18.rear light