before deciding whether or not implement the maneuver safely.
Use of the trimmers:
The trimmers are a system to modify glider profile. To activate them the
pilot should gently push the “trimmers” metal buckles to allow straps
movement. Release the metal buckles to lock the straps at the desired
setting. Pilots call this action “trims tightening and release”.
To tighten the trimmers, the pilot should pull the straps down vertically
without manipulating the metal buckles.
Trimmers must work symmetrically and unison.
The trimmers can be used during all aspects of any flight but thanks to
the profile of the DOBERMANN they are of special help during takeoff.
The RAM system pre-positions the open cells of the leading edge in
the best possible way assuring a rapid formation the wing profile. This
contribution is in itself already a huge advantage when attempting to take
off in nil wind conditions but the correct use of the trimmers at this time
with further enhance an easy take-off.
In nil wind and without the application of trimmers the DOBERMANN
inflates easily and effortlessly. However by adjusting the trimmers we
can control both the inflation and the speed at which the wing rises.
We should not confuse the speed of the inflation with the speed of the
forward run required. It is important to remember that the minimum
take-off speed is achieved with the trimmers closed and as the trimmers
are opened more speed will be required. Therefore every pilot should
be aware of the trimmer settings and make any necessary adjustments
appropriate to the conditions, the terrain and pilot ability.
The trimmers on the DOBERMANN are highly and precisely adjustable
allowing the pilot to either increase speed by opening the trimmers or
conversely decrease speed by closing them.
Each trimmer is equipped with a scale clearly numbered so allowing the
pilot to easily check and confirm the exact setting of each. Each trimmer
may be set to compensate for the torque effect of the engine allowing fine
tuning to ensure the wing remains in symmetrical flight. The pilot will very
quickly become familiar with the scale and after just a few flights be able
to optimise every flight by adjusting the trimmers to their most efficient
setting. The RSP operates at its highest level of efficiency with the
trimmers released so allowing maximum forward wing speed.
Logic dictates that if the main objective is maximum performance and
high speed then the increased use of the engine throttle will decrease the
fuel efficiency. The RSP however, works extraordinary well and is ahead
of other reflex profiles. When the trimmers are half open it offers improved
performance/fuel consumption over other reflex profiles. With less power
and therefore less fuel consumption the DOBERMANN achieves superior
PPG performance. With the trimmers closed and using just the full range
of brake travel the DOBERMANN is a precise, light to handle and a fun
machine to fly.
The new Reflex System Profile (RSP) with the trimmers closed almost
morphs the DOBERMANN into a free flight wing allowing a slow
approach speed and the flight to end with the perfect landing , large
areas and long runs are no longer required. It must be remember that
in wind nil conditions the forward ground speed encountered may be
significantly higher and during landing that speed must be decreased as
safely as possible. This can be achieved by fully closing the trimmers and
proportionately applying the brakes. If necessary as the pilot reaches the