-Description of flight characteristics of EN C paragliders:
Paragliders with moderate passive safety, potentially dynamic reactions
to turbulence and pilot errors. The recovery to normal flight may require
precise interventions by the pilot.
-Description of the skills required by the pilot to fly an EN C wing:
Designed for pilots familiar with recovery techniques, who fly actively and
understand the implications of flying a paraglider with reduced passive
For further information on the flight test and the corresponding
certification number, please see the final pages of this manual or visit the
product page download section at www.niviuk.com .
Niviuk developed this wing by adopting very specific goals: to improve
performance, excellent handling and to facilitate more control for the pilot.
To increase performance while maintaining the highest level of safety.
To ensure that the wing transmits the maximum feedback in an
understandable and comfortable way so that the pilot can focus on
piloting and enjoying the flight. And, with active piloting, make the most of
all favourable conditions.
The glider is very solid in all aspects of flight. The glide is smooth, even
when fully accelerated. When gliding, it has an excellent sink rate and
the profile remains stable. Improved turn precision means handling
is less physical. Inflating the wing is much easier and gentler, without
Flying this wing is very intuitive, with clear, usable feedback about the
surrounding airmass. It responds to the pilot’s inputs effectively and even
in thermic and turbulent conditions, it remains stable and solid.
The KODE P flies efficiently. It enters thermals with sufficient speed to
centre in the lift and climb progressively. The handling is progressive and
effective for even more flying pleasure under a meticulously designed
wing of extraordinary quality.
It is lightweight, even lighter in flight and easy to pilot, with outstanding
turbulence buffering and an amazing range of speed for incredible glides.
The KODE P features all the technological innovations in design and
construction used in our manufacturing facilities. It is built with the
most careful selection of current materials, technology and accessories
available, to improve pilot comfort whilst increasing safety and
In the design of all Niviuk products the team aims to ensure development
and continuous improvement. The technologies developed in recent years
have allowed us to develop more evolved and higher performance wings.
In short, better and better gliders. It is in this context that we would like to
introduce the technologies featured in this new model.
RAM Air Intake - this system is characterised by the arrangement of the
air inlets, to ensure optimal maintenance of internal pressure. Thanks to
this design, we were able to reduce their size, while maintaining the same
air flow at all angles to improve laminar flow. Thus more consistency
across the whole speed range and better performance without
compromising on safety.
Titanium Technology (TNT) - a revolutionary technique using titanium.
Using Nitinol in the internal construction provides a more uniform profile
and reduces the weight to gain efficiency in flight. Nitinol provides the
highest level of protection against deformation, heat or breaks.