Β) Bypass mode
In this mode the device’s electronic board is bypassed
and all the available battery’s voltage and current is pro-
vided to the atomizer.
It is recommended that the particular function is only
used by experienced users who are already accustomed
with the use of Mechanical MODS. Additionally, the at-
omizers must be checked and ascertained that they are
not short circuited and are in the range of the recom-
mended resistance values.
Use only atomizers with coil heads that are not compat-
ible with Temp Modes (read the atomizer’s user manual
for more information on the type of coil head).
Misuse may damage the device and the atomizer. Inap-
propriate use will void the warranty.
C) Clock Mode:
In This mode, the time and the remaining power of the
device are displayed.
Use only atomizers that the coil heads are not compati-
ble with Temp Modes (Read the atomizer’s user manual
for more information on the type of coil head).
You can adjust the power output by using the +,- buttons.
Always start from the lowest power setting, according to
your atomizer specifications, gradually increasing until
Product manual