Thank you for purchasing the NOBELS LOOP-MASTER!
The LOOP-MASTER is a high quality professional looper for music applications. It allows the
integration of most effect devices into an existing signal chain while providing the possibility to
switch the effect(s) in and out at will.
When the loop is bypassed the effect is not merely muted but disconnected completely from the
signal path. This can enhance the signal quality considerably.
The LOOP-MASTER also allows the use of older effect devices that can sometimes ruin the
natural instrument sound when bypassed conventionally. Due to its flexible connections the
LOOP-MASTER can easily be integrated into practically any setup.
T.S.S. (True Switching System):
In opposition to other solutions the LOOP-MASTER employs
only the highest grade audio relays for switching the signal. This allows for unsurpassed clarity
in the natural sound of the instrument.
Correct setup and operation of the LOOP-MASTER are very easy and there is almost no
possibility of maloperation. However, please read this manual thoroughly prior to use anyway
in order to fully understand the working principle of the LOOP-MASTER and prevent any possible
Power switch:
Selects between the
different operating modes of the LOOP-
In the leftmost position the unit is swit-
ched off.
In the center position ("on") the device
is working normally and the effect loop
can be activated or bypassed by means
of an external switch.
The rightmost position of the switch
("test") allows for checking correct ope-
ration of the effect loop when no exter-
nal foot switch or MIDI switcher is con-
nected to the LOOP-MASTER.
Power indicator:
The LED lights when
a proper operating voltage is supplied
and shows that the LOOP-MASTER is
ready to operate.
Loop indicator:
Lights when the effect
loop is activated. Does not light in by-
pass mode.
DC in jack:
The connection for a regu-
lated DC power adaptor to supply a
proper operating voltage to the LOOP-
MASTER. Please refer to the technical
data section for details.
DC out jack:
Further devices (e.g. effect
pedals) can be connected here for
feeding them off the LOOP-MASTER´s
power supply.
This requires the external power adap-
tor to match all necessary specificati-
ons and to be able to supply an ade-
quate current.
Regarding polarity, plug size etc.
NOBELS follows the standard of the
world´s most popular effects lines so
there should be no problems to be
expected in most cases.
Input jack:
This is the LOOP-MASTER´s
signal input. The instrument (e.g. elec-
tric guitar) or "send" jack of an amplifier´s
effect loop is connected here via a
conventional good-quality instrument
All other signal connections are also
made using such shielded cables with
mono jack connectors.
Send jack:
This output connects to the
external effect device´s input jack and
feeds it with the instrument signal from
Return jack:
The effect output is fed
back to the LOOP-MASTER here and
thus integrated into the signal chain.
Output jack:
All subsequent devices
(e.g. amplifiers) are connected to this
jack. It carries the unadulterated input
signal in bypass mode and the retur-
ned effect signal when the loop is en-
If the LOOP-MASTER is utilized to switch
the effect loop of an amplifier this out-
put is connected to the amplifier´s "re-
turn" jack.
Remote jack:
The loop function can be
activated remotely by connecting a re-
gular foot switch (latched type) here.
This is especially useful in a live perfor-
mance situation: The LOOP-MASTER
can be located close to the effect de-
vices, which can still be activated from
any place on stage without loss in
signal quality from long cable runs.
The LOOP-MASTER may as well be
operated from a MIDI switcher, such as
the NOBELS MS-4.
If a momentary foot switch is connected
instead of the latched type, the
LOOP-MASTER will be activated only
as long as the switch is pressed and
be deactivated automatically as soon
as the switch is released.