Use and Maintenance Manual model “H14 V SHAPE”
The assembly position must be chosen based
on the environment, the discharge and the chim-
ney flue. Check, with your local authority, if there are
more restrictive provisions regarding the oxidising air
intake, the smoke discharge system including the
chimney flue and chimney pot.
The manufacturer cannot be held in any way liable
in the event of installation non-compliant with legisla-
tion in force,
of incorrect premises air exchange or electrical con-
nection non-conforming with standards and/or inap-
propriate use of the appliance.
Installation must be carried out by a qualified techni
cian, who will issue the purchaser with a Declaration
of Conformity for the system and will assume com-
plete responsibility for final installation and resulting
good operation of the product.
In particular, he should ascertain:
• there is an adequate oxidising air intake and good
smoke discharge compliant with the type of prod-
uct installed;
• other stoves or devices installed do not cause
negative pressure in the room where the product is
installed (only for hermetic appliances, a maximum
of 15 Pa depression in the surroundings is permitted);
• when the product is on, there is no smoke back
draught in the surroundings;
• smoke evacuation is implement in total
safety (dimensioning, smoke seal, distances from
flammable materials..).
Once the position is decided where to install
the product, you need to pay attention:
• if the floor is made of combustible material,
you should use protection in suitable material (steel,
glass...) which also protects the front part from any
falling burning fuel during
cleaning operations:
• that the floor guarantees adequate
load capacity.
if the existing building does not meet this
requirement, you should take appropriate measures
(for example a load distribution plate).
The installation premises of non-hermetic appliances
must be sufficiently ventilated with specific openings,
with particular attention on the
position (they must NEVER be blocked), which consent
air reintegration in the environment.
The air must be taken directly from outside (not from
other rooms, garage, etc.) and must have a net useful
section equal or higher than 80
pellet burning stoves and thermostoves (EN 14785)
and 100 cm
for boilers (EN 303-5).
The air intake is not necessary for
installation of the hermetic appliances that take air
directly from outside. Check and
comply with the ventilation requirements for simul-
taneous operations with other combustion devices
and in the presence of forced ventilation systems or
hoods (refer to section 6.4 of UNI 10683).
The term smoke channel indicates the piping con-
necting the appliance to combustion with the
chimney flue.
For heat generating appliances with an electric fan
to expel the smoke, the following installation instruc-
tions must be followed, provided by the manufactur-
er concerning the maximum length and number of
curves the smoke channels can have.
If no indications are given for maximum values or
deriving from preliminary calculations according
to UNI EN 13384-1, the following provisions must be
• comply with the product standard EN1856-2;
• the horizontal sections must have a minimum slope
of 3% upwards;
• the length of the horizontal section must be
minimal and its projection on plan must not ex-
ceed 4 metres;
the number of changes of direction including
introduction in the chimney flue and excluding
that by effect of using a “T” element
in the appliances with rear smoke output, must
not exceed 3;
the changes of direction must not have an angle
over 90°(45° curve recommended);
the section must have a constant diameter
equal to the output of the fireplace up to the
fitting in the chimney flue;
• it is forbidden to use flexible metal and fibre ce
ment piping, furthermore the piping must guarantee
pressurised sealing;
the smoke channels must not cross premises
in which installation is forbidden of combustion
Use watertight piping with silicone gaskets.
In any case, the smoke channels must be
sealed by combustion and condensate
products, as well as insulated if passing
inside the installation premises.
Assembly is not permitted of draught manual adjust-
ment devices on forced draught appliances.
You need to install a first vertical smoke channel sec
tion of at least 1 metre to guarantee correct smoke
All local and national legislation and European
standards must be met when installing and using the
the product.