GB 22
Select Channels
From this menu you add and remove the channels in your Favour-
ite Lists. You use the “All TV” or “All Radio” list as basis to se-
lect the channels from.
A channel is added or removed by pressing the
button. The
square to the right on a line will be empty for removed channels,
and will contain an “x” for added channels.
• Move to desired channel(s) with , double arrows or the nu-
meric buttons, and add/remove them by pressing
• When you are ready, confirm the selections and leave the
menu by pressing
Lock Channels
To get to this menu you first have to enter your access code.
From here you can lock (and later unlock) channels in any of the
lists in order to prevent e.g. your children from watching.
Select the channel you want to lock and press
. Repeat the
procedure for each channel you want to lock. When you lock a
channel in any list, the channel will automatically be locked in all
other lists.
A locked channel will be marked with a padlock symbol.
Rename Channels
Within any of your favourite lists you can rename the channels.
Mark the channel you want to rename and press
. The Re-
name dialogue box will then appear and let you modify the ex-
isting name.
Delete the current name by using the button. To enter the new
name, please follow the instructions under the headline “
to give a specific name
” on page 21.
When you have changed a channel name, the new name will ap-
pear in all lists where the channel is included.
Before you can watch a locked channel you will be asked to en-
ter your access code.