20-076 | 03.2017
Operating the Nordforest Titan 80 Mechanical Felling Wedge
Nordforest Mechanical Titan 80 Felling Wedge
Marking the hinge
The hinge is the section of the trunk between the felling notch and
felling cut. The hinge is the pivot that holds the tree during felling and
stops it falling in an uncontrolled fashion. The hinge ensures that the
tree safely falls in the intended direction.
The height of the cut and the penetration depth of the chain
saw guide bar must be selected so that 1/10 of the trunk
diameter remains uncut as the hinge.
Marking the hinge.
Make 60% felling cut.
When the felling notch has been created and the hinge marked, you
must make a felling cut that goes 60% of the way through the trunk
diameter. The 60% felling cut is made on the side of the trunk opposite
to the felling notch.
Risk of injury due to falling tree!
If the 60% felling cut is too deep, the tree can fall in the direction of
the felling cut and cause serious injuries.
Make sure that the dimensions of the hinge are correct.
Make sure that the hinge is not sawn through.
Make the felling cut parallel to the bottom cut of the felling notch.