Nortel Switched Firewall 2.3.3 User’s Guide and Command Reference
Command reference
213455-L, October 2005
info_monitor Menu
The monitor menu provides two commands for viewing current and historical data.
Information Menu
[info_monitor Menu]
curdata - Show current data
histdata - Show history data
Table 12
Info_Monitor Menu (/info/monitor)
Command and Usage
This command displays the current statistics for the following parameters: CPU use,
memory use, hard disk use, total connections and connections per second (rate), and
throughput .
This command displays historical data on the parameters based on the user-specified
time interval. Information includes CPU use, memory use, hard disk use, total
connections and connections per second (rate), and throughput.
[info_net Menu]
if - Show interface details
bridge - Show bridge details
arp - Show Arp table entries
gw - Show default gateway
gre - Show gre details
route - Show route configuration
vrrp - Show vrrp details
parp - Show parp configuration