Nortel Switched Firewall 2.3.3 User’s Guide and Command Reference
Command reference
213455-L, October 2005
OSPF Connected Route Redistribution Menu
The OSPF Connected Route Redistribution Menu is used to redistribute connected routes into
[OSPF Connected Route Redistribution Menu]
metric - Set Metric assigned to connected routes
rmap - Set OSPF Connected Redistribute RMAP Number
ena - Enable redistribution of connected routes
dis - Disable redistribution of connected routes
Table 69
OSPF Connected Route Redistribution Menu
Command Syntax and Usage
Sets metric of advertised connected routes. The metric cost range is 1 to 16777214 (0-
none) and indicates the relative cost of this route. The larger the cost, the less preferable
the route. The default is 10. The metric type is t1 or t2 (type 1 or type 2).
OSPF Type1 is defined in the same units as OSPF interface cost (that is, in terms of the
link state metric). OSPF Type 2 external metrics are an order of magnitude larger; any
Type 2 metric is considered greater than the cost of any path internal to the AS. This con-
figuration parameter can be used to have an OSPF domain prefer type1 routes over type
2. OSPF Type 1 is default.
<route map (1-10)>
This command allows you to specify the route map #.
Enables advertising of connected routes.
Disables advertising of connected routes.